Duncan R. Morhardt, MD, PhD

Duncan R. Morhardt, MD, PhD

What draws me to the field of urology is the chance to correct problems that people don't like to talk about, but are important to function in everyday life. In urology, we deal with many problems like cancer, emergencies, and kidney stones. For children, sometimes these conditions arise before they are born. It may be challenging for parents to do what's best for their child. Talking with parents, helping them understand their child's condition, learning what they want, and working toward a solution is supremely rewarding. It is a privilege that they allow us into their lives. Performing surgery is very satisfying work - to use my hands to realize patient treatment.



Vesico-ureteral reflux
Urinary obstruction
Spina bifida and neurogenic bladder
Disorders of the testicle
Posterior urethral valves
Ambiguous genitalia
Urethral stricture
Tissue engineering
Geisel School of Medicine profile