Mia Talmor, M.D., FACS

Mia Talmor, M.D., FACS

In addition to her excellence as a plastic surgeon, Dr. Talmor ha distinguished herself in the scientific community through her research, scientific presentations and publications.She has received numerous prestigious grants and awards from The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, The American College of Surgeons, The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, The New York Regional Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, as well as from the National Institutes of Health.Dr. Mia Talmor graduated Cornell University Medical College with a doctor of medicine with honors in research degree in May of 1993. She is currently an associate professor of clinical surgery at The Weill Cornell Medical School and an attending surgeon at New York Presbyterian Hospital. In September 2010, Dr. Talmor became the president of The New York Regional Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, which represents 180 board-certified plastic surgeons in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.  View Dr. Talmor's recent interview on the latest advances in breast reconstructive surgery on the Dr. Oz show, here http://www.doctoroz.com/episode/angelina-jolies-double-mastectomy?video_id=2387247568001Here on CBS News, Dr. Talmor discusses the best plastic surgery procedures for women as they age: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/stop-the-aging-clock-at-30On July 1, 1996, Mia was appointed a research fellow after receiving the American College of Surgeons Resident Research Scholarship. She continued her study of the dendritic cell in rat allograft limb transplantation with Dr. Ralph Steinman, the 2011 Noble Prize recipient. This earned her the Peter J. Gingrass, MD Memorial Award from the Plastic Surgery Research Council in medical school. This research led to numerous publications and another research grant from the Plastic Surgery Education Foundation. To her credit, Mia has authored over thirty scientific papers, five book chapters and has made numerous scientific presentations.Her most recent research focuses on safety issues related to reconstructive breast surgery, as well as on new technologies.
