NYBC Ventures

NYBC Ventures
420 Boylston Street, Suite 501
Boston, MA 02116

New York Blood Center created NYBC Ventures to accelerate innovation in blood-related fields and cellular therapies and technology. New York Blood Center established the fund with a $50M investment and a mission to improve patients’ lives by advancing therapeutics, enabling platforms and technologies as well as driving collaborations to further NYBC’s impact. NYBC Ventures is focused on a humanitarian & fiscal ROI, fostering New York Blood Center's mission-oriented innovation. Taking an agnostic approach to financing vehicles and structures and employing a model of patient capital, NYBC Ventures developed streamlined scientific and investment due diligence teams to evaluate investment and collaborative opportunities in the following areas: Benign hematology Infectious diseases Transfusion medicine Cell therapy Regenerative medicine Visit our website to learn more and connect with us!



We invest in early-stage discoveries in blood and cellular therapies & related technologies