Providence Seward Medical Center Swing Bed Program

Providence Seward Medical Center Swing Bed Program

If you or a loved one are sent to a distant city for critical medical care, it can be very difficult to be away from your family, your friends and your home environment. Here at Providence Seward Medical & Care Center, we participate in a program that allows us to provide the nursing care some people need when they are discharged from a hospital. It’s called the Swing Bed Program, and we can use it to care for you right here in Seward. If you need to stay in a hospital for more than a few days or need to stay in a nursing home for rehabilitation or nursing services, consider coming home to Seward. We can provide those services through the Providence Seward Medical & Care Center’s Swing Bed Program.



Skilled nursing services
Rehabilitation therapies for strengthening and conditioning
Social services
Spiritual care
Medication management